Impact Report 2021

We constantly reimagine what a healthier, more sustainable, more equitable world could look like and strive to play our part so that our ambition for growth is never at the expense of planetary health!

This Impact Report has been compiled to share and celebrate our accomplishments in 2021. We could not do any of this without the support of our customers, our suppliers, the farming communities, our people and the support organisations that continue to believe in our mission!

Our range of Blossomz dried fruits are nutrient-dense, high in fibre and rich in minerals. We pride ourselves on making sure that they taste as delicious and look as natural as the perfectly ripened fruit without any added sugars, preservatives, additives, colorings or flavorings. In comparison, candied dried fruits on average have 2 and 3/4 teaspoon of added sugar (45 calories) per serving

The calories in Blossomz dried fruits range from 100 to 140 per serving depending on the type of fruit, making them a healthy and a natural alternative to other popular snacks

Our newest innovation of plant based dried jackfruit fibres are a completely vegan replacement to meat in any recipe and reduces impact on the environment versus the meat it replaces. The dried form also makes it eco-friendly to ship anywhere around the world

In partnership with ProTeen, we repurpose all of our organic waste into sustainable animal feed and fertiliser through a circular recycling process involving black soldier flies

We have a tradition of celebrating Mother Earth Day every year by planting trees in partnership with One Tree Planted

Our growth has a direct economic impact on the farming communities from whom we purchased and paid a fair price for mangoes, jackfruits, pineapples, avocados, papaya, bananas, hot peppers, vanilla, cashew nuts, macadamia nuts, chia seeds, moringa and tea herbs

In line with our value that sustainable growth and upliftment of the entire community is the only way to do business, we source a 100% of our fresh produce from smallholder farmers. The income that the farmers generate help provide access to food and education for their families

Our diversified value-addition capabilities in our ISO Food Safety Management System certified facility not only enable us to offer a wide portfolio of products but it also transcends into sustainable employment opportunities

We prioritise youth employment to not only bring in new energy and fresh perspective to our business but more importantly to tackle the large youth unemployment issue in Uganda

Our steadfast focus on providing equal opportunities and renumeration to women continued in 2021. We support the belief that economic empowerment of women is the fastest way to uplift communities

Taking light from what the Prophet (PBUH) has said that 'there is no deed greater than feeding the hungry,' we celebrated the World Food Day in 2021 by feeding 225 kids at the Kireka community

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